Daily Devotion

Keep Your Remote Control

2 Peter 2:19; Joshua 24: 15; Matthew 18:18


Most of us assuredly are used to using a remote control with electronics and different gadgets/appliances. We use it to put the electronics on or off, increase or decrease volume, switch modes, etc., Basically, a remote control (as the name suggests) is used to control an equipment without necessarily touching the gadget directly. The dictionary defines this as ‘the control of a machine from a distance by means of signals transmitted from a radio or electrical device’.

The power of control vested on a remote control is truly worthy of note. It does not matter what that electronic device wants to do or currently doing at the moment, the remote control has the power of override, and can place immediate demands on what should be done at any time. As a matter of fact, the appliance or machine is programmed to obey the remote control at any given time. The dominion a remote control has over an electronic device cannot be overemphasized!

Our lives can be likened to that of an electronic device, machine or appliance, which could be subject to a remote control but only if allowed. But most often than not, we allow the circumstances of life, situations, emotions, or people control our entire being! These sort of becomes the remote control that dictates when we should be happy, sad, fearful, courageous, high, low, etc. Unlike other electronic gadgets, we as humans are not automatically programmed to obey these remote controls that tend to control us because God has given us the power of choice!

There are two keywords here – ‘choice’, and ‘allow’. Every human being has the power of choice – to choose to serve God or not, to choose good or evil, and most importantly to choose what we allow to control us. In other words, if we do not allow them, they lose that authority and control over us! This is not to minimize the effect or impact of situations/circumstances of life; but rather a hint that we can choose our responses to them, and even establish a boundary over their influence on our character, emotions, attitude, altitude, etc.

That power of choice is your remote control! it a priceless gift from God. You have to exercise that choice over what you allow to control you, and to what extent. Do not relinquish this power to anyone or anything! Remember it is the remote control of your life, and only you reserve the right to keep and use it!

So in simple terms ‘keep your remote control to yourself’!