Daily Devotion

Faith Fights

Hebrews 11: 6; 1 Timothy 6: 12; 2 Timothy 4:7 – 8; 1 John 5:4


A closer look at the above verse suggests that there is some kind of fight associated in the faith walk; and further analysis reveals that some of the fights are good while some are bad – probably based on how the fighter engages the opponent and the resulting outcome of the situation in question. However, it is obvious there is a fight going on, and that truth demands a closer attention.

From anecdotal evidence, faith in God attracts a fight from the devil. Once the mind is set on believing God for a particular thing, or situation, it would seem satan’s curiosity becomes aroused, and his wicked endeavors are triggered. The devil begins to release his series of onslaughts on the faith professed, with the aim of discouragement, so that we would back off from believing God, which completely jeopardizes the chance of ever obtaining a solution, or deliverance from the precarious situation that initially came to play.

The Bible has a lot to say about faith – it makes the impossible possible, moves the hand of God, secures God’s favor, releases God’s power, etc. In a nutshell, faith pleases God, Hebrews 11 says it all. It is often said that faith is the currency through which we could access heaven’s treasure store! And it is because faith has such a spiritual potency that the devil gets scared once our faith is activated.

However, we need to stand our ground and resist the devil; not backing down from standing on God’s word. The willingness to fearlessly engage the devil in this fight is a true test of the authenticity of the faith we profess. It’s either we are believing God or not; but if the choice has been made to believe HIS word, then stand firm despite the fight. Victory is assured if we do not concede to the lying schemes of the devil; or the opposing force of the situation.

A famous phrase says ‘nothing good comes easy’ – if it is good a thing, then expect a fight because the devil will attempt to pose a threat. Therefore, a determination to engage in this faith fights and obtain our desires from God is the winning disposition that should be readily adopted.

The undaunted (and resilient) attitude of a faith placed in God’s word is the victory that overcomes the world, situations, and satan’s onslaughts.

Are you willing to engage in these faith fights? It is time to fight for what you believe (based on God’s word).