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Eyes Healed

Posts: 2
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Joined: 8 years ago

Eyes Healed

This happened many years ago in my childhood, but it’s a testimony to God’s divine power to heal, and I pray it blesses you.

So many years ago, I developed a condition I believe is called cataract. It started gradually, and quickly degenerated to such a state I lost my vision in that eye. Water was consistently dripping out of that eyes, and it was almost closed –say 3/4 closed.

We had put all our faith and trust in God; and even as a little girl at that time, my faith was unwavering! I never heard any negative words from my mother – she was full of faith and believed God for a miracle.

This situation was obviously a concern to everyone who knew us – my teachers, colleagues, friends, neighbors, etc. There were many suggestions as the situation worsened daily; but we only looked up to God.

Then one day it happened! I did not even realize God had healed me. While getting dressed for school, I decided to examine my eyes as usual, but surprisingly I could not figure out which eye it was –this was when I realized God had healed me! I screamed and jumped for joy! My mum came running to my room, and when I told her what had happened, she wept for joy.

The eye was perfectly restored; healed without any medical intervention! It was no longer dripping water, no more pain, no longer closed, but now open. Up till date, I still cannot tell which eye it was. My vision has remained 20/20 in both eyes! I give God all the glory!
