Daily Devotion

An Effective Antidote

Philippians 4: 6-8

Living in this world of today, you’ll agree with me that feelings of fear, worry, anxiety, and anxiousness seem inevitable. The world, specifically it’s systems are structured in such a manner that accommodate or promote these feelings. It does not take rocket science to observe that this present day live is not lacking in negative triggers that constantly generate feelings of fear, worry, or anxiety.

Health issues, financial issues, workplace issues, family issues, relationship issues, and so on and so forth, are just but a few examples of situations that are capable of generating negative triggers in certain circumstances. The true meaning of peace is lacking in our world today. A real sense of peace has eluded this world!

No wonder the mental health industry is booming! People have to depend so much on anti-depressants (and other such medications) to survive their ordeal. And the more they take it, the more their body becomes addicted to such medications, until it becomes a vicious cycle for life!

The Bible passage in Philippians 4: 6-8 prescribes an effective antidote for dealing with fear, worry, and anxiety. This prescription deals with the root cause, and not just the observed effects. It is one that guarantees a lasting success (or rather a permanent relief/prevention) whenever it is used or applied.

This passage states that we should bring every situation to God in prayer, with thanksgiving (for all HE has done, and will do), and a heart of petition (a humble appeal and request), we should present our request to God. Verse 7 details the effect of such an attitude – God’s PEACE will guard our hearts, and minds!

This is the kind of peace that cannot be explained, because it transcends all understanding.  It is the type of peace that does not depend on circumstances. It springs up from within, regardless of the prevailing situation! It’s almost as if one is in a bubble, shielded from the cares of this world!

I am a witness, and a testimony to the fact that it works! It is an effective antidote, and a lasting solution!

Have you tried this antidote? Do you have this peace? The most interesting thing is that it is free! And available to all!

Why not give it a try?