Daily Devotion

A Liberated Mindset

Matthew 14: 22-33

A lot has been said about the mind, and its influence on our thoughts and actions. Joyce Meyer, in her book, Battlefield of the Mind, refers to the mind as a powerhouse where all the battles are either won or lost!  All the articles or books about the mind emphasizes a renewed mindset which conforms to the mind of Christ and HIS divine perspectives.

There is no human faculty as powerful as the mind! This explains why the mind is continuously under Satan’s attacks because it is of great threat to him! Unfortunately, the unrenewed mind is under a perpetual state of captivity, with imprisoned and enslaved thought patterns. It is constantly confined by boundaries, limits, and impossibilities – never able to attain the height of liberation God expects it to be!

In addition, the experiences and vicissitudes of life further keep our minds imprisoned, and in a state of bondage, such that we cannot see beyond the realm of our present situations and circumstances. In such a state of mind, opportunities are lost because they are only perceived through the lens of impossibility, failure, ignorance, difficulty, fear, and disappointments.

For instance, consider the story in the passage above. There was a great storm threatening to capsize the boat. Everyone’s mind (except Peter’s) was focused on safety – The threats of the current situation (storm) confined their minds (and beclouded their thinking), such that they could not see other opportunities or possibilities available with Jesus!

But Peter had a different mindset! His mind was liberated to see beyond the current threats of the storm, or the impending danger of the situation. And while others were focused on safety, Peter was focused on a possibility outside the capability of any human agent! He saw beyond the intimidation of the proud waves, and spontaneously asked if he could walk on the water!

It takes the eye of faith, through the lens of a liberated mind, to envision a greater possibility, or miracle, in the midst of threatening waves, crippling experiences, opposing challenges, or devastating events. The point here is that we should ask God to liberate our minds so that the boundaries and limits imposed by the negative impacts of life’s experiences do not imprison the ability to see a glorious future, divine possibilities, or abundant opportunities available to us through our Lord Jesus!

Having a liberated mindset is not an option, if we have to achieve our destinies, and walk in the fullness of who God has called us to be. Folks we have to keep seeing beyond the present challenges into what could be, and what would be!

A liberated mindset is an asset – it takes prayers, and continuous renewal to cultivate it!
