Daily Devotion

Make a Lemonade!

Romans 8: 28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

COVID-19 has ushered in a new way of living that is outside our norm since the past decade. Families are separated as people are quarantined, self-isolated, and some places on lockdown. The stay-at-home movement, if not kept in check, could trigger a feeling of loneliness, if not despair and/or depression. It would seem life has placed a lemon in each of our hands.

The Bible says all things work together for good – this inspires the thought that this situation will eventually work out for good if we place our trust and hope in God.  We might not know how – but then that is not our responsibility to figure it out. Our part is to focus on God, and yet praise HIM in the midst of uncertainties and concern. Therefore, this article is focused on finding innovative ways to keep our joy, maintain our peace, especially our mental wellness during this time.

What does the old adage say – ‘if life gives you a lemon, make a lemonade’.  It literally means you can take a situation that is meant to be bad, or unpleasant and turn it into something good! Although hard to do sometimes, it is absolutely possible. So what can you do that will contribute to your personal, professional, or spiritual life during this stay-at-home mandate? It is helpful to deliberately engage in some worthwhile projects that could foster a sense of fulfillment, achievement or well being.

Here are some examples of what you could do:

Personal – you could establish new relationships, create a piece of art (knit, dance, paint, draw, write, etc.), make music (learn a new song or instrument), or embark on any project of choice.

Professional – take a free (or paid) course online to enhance some of your skills or even learn a new one.

Spiritual – study the Bible in a different way (topics, character, books, etc., or try a new study method), read books, pray more, spend more time with God, etc.

These are just a few examples, but the idea here is to seize this opportunity for self-improvement or growth; while loving and encouraging those around us. Time is a precious resource that should not be wasted; even in this present darkness, make every moment count. Do something rewarding on purpose, for the sake of your well being.

Folks, life has placed a lemon in each of our hands; so, go make a lemonade!