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Living The James Bond Lifestyle?
Living The James Bond Lifestyle?
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Joined: 2024-12-21
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Author: Paul Kyriazi



ISBN: 0971618305







The following review was contributed by: Editor of Bookpleasures.






Author, writer and director of several feature films, Paul Kyriazi, is quite an


expert on James Bond, as evidenced from his recent tome, The Complete James Bond Lifestyle Seminar. Kyriazi promises to put you on the path to turning your life around and realize your dreams, provided you follow his twenty-one rules of the James Bond lifestyle.







The book begins with a look at your base of operations or your living quarters,


and readers are asked to determine if it is clean, organized and comfortable. To illustrate the importance of these elements, Kryiazi refers to Dr. When you beloved this article along with you would like to get details regarding บาคาร่าออนไลน์ i implore you to visit our own webpage. No, where


we have a rare look at Bond’s apartment.



Notice, as the author mentions, there


is no clutter, it is clean and organized. Another example is Bond’s office, as


seen in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service- once again all of these elements are


very much in evidence. In other words, everything in the James Bond lifestyle


starts in your mind - “clear organized thinking begets a clear organized mind.”





From here the book's chapters are tight and focused dealing with more of the


seminar's rules such as the importance of never running out of cash. The author


points out that money is a symbol of neutral energy, and what is vital is to


know how to circulate the money.



Never be afraid of carrying around too much


cash in a money clip. As for the fear of being robbed, the author says that he


has heard more than one person say that they were very glad to have something to give to the robber.





Some of the other rules explored and examined are the necessity of adapting and improvising when it comes to life's challenges, what you wear and how to wear the proper clothing, never give up, getting good value of your time and money, act professional on the job, tip freely like Bond, constantly keep learning by reading at least one book a week, renting what you need and take mental possession of it, chose your contacts carefully and avoid villains.





Although some of the material presented is a rehash of what has been written in an endless stream of books on how to turn your life around, the overall effect


is still somewhat addictive. There is always the allure of trying to live like


James Bond, and perhaps even ask yourself every time you face a challenge, what would James Bond do in this situation? However, as we will never be James Bond,and as Kryiazi maintains, what is so wrong in being yourself and living the lifestyle you want.







The mixture of the author's words of wisdom with the tidbits taken from Bond's


movies makes for a compelling read, particularly if you are a Bond fan. Will the


twenty-one rules turn you life around?



I guess you will have to try them to find













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