Daily Devotion


Proverbs 31:30

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised”.

Have you ever seen those reality shows called “Extreme Makeover” (where people are completely transformed into a better version of their original selves)? I usually like the before and after pictures; in most cases, it is hard to believe it is the same person – as the impact of the transformation becomes evidently undeniable.

Well, God desires to give His children extreme makeovers; He loves for us to be better versions of our old selves (prior to our walk with Him), and in fact the best we can be. However, God is much more interested in our inner (inward) beauty as opposed to the outward beauty or physical appearance.

God knows we can take care of our physical beauty, or get an expert to do this; but most times, we are either unwilling or incapable of taking care of our inward beauty, so God in His infinite mercy and love comes alongside in our walk with Him to fix our character, attitude, values, passion, behavior, personality traits, etc.

HE allows some situations and circumstances into our lives, as corrective strategies to deal with our fears, flaws, weaknesses, imperfections, faults, etc., so that we are completely transformed at the end! God’s refining procedure is a process and it takes patience – both with God, and on our parts – but we must be willing.

Have you ever met someone who is way different and much better (in their character) than who they were prior to their walk with Christ? Peter became a completely different individual after the in-filling of the Holy Spirt on the day of Pentecost; he became an orator for God, a defender of the Gospel, full of boldness and undaunted prowess! Paul made a roundabout turn in favor of Christ – his passion and commitment to the course he once opposed is remarkable. This is God’s extreme makeover!

Have you received a makeover from God yet? Is your life pleasing to the Master? Do you want to be filled with His power? Then allow the Holy Spirit t give you an extreme makeover.  The process might be painful, but the reward is gainful. God is ready, if you are willing.


Song By Richard Kelley

Make me a vessel of mercy,
Father, make me a vessel that’s true
Fill me with love and compassion and fashion
My heart to be a vessel worthy of You

Lord, I want to be all You want me to be
Your service is my desire
I so want to know you and in Your love grow
With heavenly pow’r
I yield my life to you; I’m willing to be used
Wherever You bid me I’ll go
So, Lord Jesus, daily I pray that You’ll break me
That Your love I might show

Make me a vessel of mercy
Father, make me a vessel that’s true
Fill me with love and compassion and fashion
My heart to be a vessel worthy of You